The conference is a joint event including Symposium on Scenarios and Policy Options for Sustainable Shipping, organised by the Interreg BSR CSHIPP platform External link, opens in new window., and four sessions focusing on emissions and abatement measures, atmospheric and marine processes and shipping-related above- and underwater noise, organised by the Gothenburg Air and Climate Network (GAC)
External link, opens in new window., the Surface Ocean - Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS),
External link, opens in new window. CHALMERS,
External link, opens in new window. IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute
External link, opens in new window. and the BONUS
External link, opens in new window. secretariat.
Who should attend
The conference is a joint event organised by the Interreg BSR CSHIPP platform, the Gothenburg Air and Climate Network (GAC), the Surface Ocean - Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS), CHALMERS, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute and the BONUS secretariat.
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